From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using the Gradient command

Using the Gradient command - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Using the Gradient command

- [Presenter] We're staying in our HatchingGradient.gwg file and in the previous video we looked at hatching and how we change the hatch scale and change the hatch pattern. What we're going to look at in this particular video is gradient fills and how you can utilize colors and gradients to highlight areas instead of the hatch patterns as you can see on the drawing. Now at the moment we're in the hatch layer, in the layers panel, click on the layer drop down there and change that to gradient there, like so. Make sure that you distinguish between the two, put them on separate layers. It's always useful to have different types of objects on different layers in your AutoCAD drawings. Now the gradient fill command is in the same place as the hatch command. It's on the draw panel in the home tab on the ribbon. Click on the flyout here, and there's gradient there, like so. So now you'll notice that we've got hatch creation come up at the top on the ribbon again. And you'll see that we're…
