From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using the layer tools

Using the layer tools

- [Instructor] So, once again, we're staying in the ObjectLayerProperties.dwg file, and what we're going to have a look at now is some of the Layer Tools that are available. Now, obviously, most of the time, you'll just be changing layers or adding new layers to your AutoCAD drawing, but if you look in the Layers panel here, you'll notice there's lots and lots of little commands here that you can utilize that are often useful when you're working in your AutoCAD drawings. So, if we start hovering over some of these, let's have a look at what they do. So, you can turn the layer off of a selected object. So, if I selected say that one there, which is the polyline, and it's on the layer Bolt. So, if I click on the command, and I select the object on the layer to be turned off. Let's do that like that. It turns everything off because that entire bolt is on the Bolt layer. So, I press enter, like so, and you'll see that that has disappeared. You haven't deleted it. All you've done is turned…
