From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using the navigation bar

Using the navigation bar

- [Instructor] We're staying in the Exploring.DWG file, and what we're going to have a look at now in the AutoCAD user interface is the navigation bar or nav bar. Now, we did touch on it a little bit in previous videos when we talked about zoom commands available in AutoCAD, and what you'll find is the nav bar is normally by default over here on the right hand side of the screen, and there's lots of different commands available to you in the nav bar. Now, before we get started with the nav bar though, what happens if it's not there on the right hand side of the screen. Well, if you type "Nav bar," N-A-V B-A-R like so. Now, you've got your dynamic input on, so that will appear directly on the screen next to the crosshair. If I type, "Nav bar," and press Enter, I've got the option of having it on or off... Let's select Off. As you can see, it disappears from the right hand side of the screen. If I type, "Nav bar," again and press Enter, click on On, and it comes back again. So, if your…
