From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Working with layer states

Working with layer states

- [Narrator] We're staying in our ObjectLayerProperties.dwg file. And what we're going to look at now is working with layer states. Sometimes you need to change your layer colors, your layer properties, in order to highlight particular elements on a drawing that might need to be changed, might need to be revised, and so on. So at the moment, we've got everything on its appropriate layers. We've got the hinge on the hinge layers. We've got the nut and bolt on the bolt layer. We've got the keyhole on the keyhole layer. So at the moment that will become, in essence, an existing layer state, for example. Now you can get to your layer states in two ways. Let's go via the Layer Properties Manager first. So Layers panel, on the Home tab on the ribbon, and Layer Properties. And it's this little icon here the Layer State Manager. This will open up the Layer States Manager, like so. I click on new, and the new layer state name will be, Existing. So this is all my existing layers, and you might…
