From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Working with templates (DWT)

Working with templates (DWT) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Working with templates (DWT)

- [Narrator] In the previous videos in this particular chapter, we looked at converting the units of this particular drawing which is our converting units.dwg file. Now what you might want to do, is once you've converted the units and set everything up the way you want it to be, you might want to save this drawing as a template file, a dwt file. Now the reason you might use a template file is purely because you then standardize on all the settings. You don't actually have any content in a template file, apart from perhaps a title block, a proprietary title block that might be company specific or project specific. So, what you might do with the convert unit.dwg file is you might actually delete this rectangle. You don't actually need it anymore. So this rectangle might be deleted so that you can save back to a dwt file. So what I'm going to do there, is I'm actually going to remove that rectangle, I'm going to delete it like so. And then you might just do a zoom extents so just double…
