From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Working with the file tabs

Working with the file tabs - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

Working with the file tabs

- We're staying in our Exploring.dwg file, and you'll notice I'm still in the workspace that I set up in the previous video, so make sure in your workspaces now, you go to the dropdown and you set it back to the default drafting and annotation workspace. Now, what we're going to have a look at in this particular video are the file tabs. Now, they're these tabs here, can you see? We've got a start tab and the name of our drawing, our Exploring tab. Now, if I hover over our exploring tab, can you see that I can jump into model, layout one, layout two, layout three? So, if I go to layout one, can you see I can click on it, and I haven't even had to go down to the tabs in the bottom left hand corner? If I hover over it again and go back to model, you can see there that I can go back to model as well. Now, these file tabs are extremely useful because I can jump back to the start screen if I want to. There's the start screen as if I've just opened up AutoCAD, or I can go into my current…
