From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Working with XREFs

Working with XREFs

- [Instructor] Once again, we're starting another new chapter now in our AutoCad Essential Training course. What we're going to be looking at now are external reference files, sometimes abbreviated to xrefs. Basically, what you can do with an AutoCAD drawing is paperclip virtually other drawings to that host drawing. So your reference in reference drawings into your host drawing and utilize the information from them. The major benefit of that is that any reference drawing will only basically take up about 10% of its actual, original file size when its xreffed into a host drawing. So you'll notice we've got a new drawing available for you at the top of the screen there. It's xrefs.dwg. Now it does actually have a reference drawing in it, so xrefs, the drawing, is the host drawing, and there is a reference file. And it's that dashed line going around the building which is the property line. So if I click on that like so, you'll notice that the external reference tab kicks in on the…
