From the course: AutoCAD: Construction Drawings

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Adding detail markers to plans, elevations, and sections

Adding detail markers to plans, elevations, and sections - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Construction Drawings

Adding detail markers to plans, elevations, and sections

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our Simple House Design Details.dwg file. And in the previous video, I discussed multileaders and also quick leaders, the QLEADER command, and how we can utilize our annotative scaling. Now, if we zoom out slightly, see I've placed those leaders over here on the detail itself. Now ideally, what you want is a detail marker here on the floor plan coming off of the double doors, and annotating that particular detail. So you want to kind of say that these are double doors with an arrow pointing to a detail number, or a detail descriptor that then points to this detail that we've set up here. So what I'm going to do, I'm just going to remove those leaders, like so. I'm just going to delete everything there and make sure that our double door detail there is clean. If you want to zoom in quickly and check, there we go. Nothing on there at all. I'm now going to zoom in on the double…
