From the course: AutoCAD: Construction Drawings

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Using a named UCS where needed

Using a named UCS where needed - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Construction Drawings

Using a named UCS where needed

- Once again, we're staying in our simple "House Design.dwg" file. And I've left it zoomed in to the area we were looking at in the previous video. Where we looked at the "UCS" icon command, and we made sure that our UCS icon was located where we wanted it to be located. Now, what we want to do here is think about a named "UCS". Now I'm going to kind of cover "Origin" and a named "UCS" in this particular case, because I want to show you how to make sure that you set your UCS appropriately, but also create a named "UCS" from it as well. So in this particular video, what we're going to do is type "UCS", and bring up the "UCS" command, and press enter. Now, the first thing that we'll ask for is the origin of your "UCS", because you're now creating a named "UCS", an individual user coordinate system. Now I'm going to specify the origin where it was before, this bottom left corner here. So with your object snaps on,…
