From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

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A basic example: Postprocessing, part 2

A basic example: Postprocessing, part 2 - Nastran In-CAD Tutorial

From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

A basic example: Postprocessing, part 2

- [Instructor] So in this video we're going to carry on, and we're going to look at more detailed post-processing. I just want to practice, see what happens if we shot down in between. So I'm not going to save this, any updates, just going to close it out, and then open it back up again. So where do we go and look for it? We navigate to the part, and here's the part now. And again, we notice the folder structure alongside it, and that's really important to make sure we can open up our results again. So we're back into the environment, let's try on In-CAD, and there's our tree view, back with us. Now with the results, there's nothing there at the moment, so we'll have to load them back in. This is the important thing, it will follow that subdirectory automatically to go and find result. If not, we can manually go and load them. Drill down into subdirectory and there's our results file. I won't load it back in again. That's basically, if you get stuck, where are my results? They're down…
