From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

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Background to dynamics

Background to dynamics

- [Instructor] This video describes the background to dynamic analysis. Now why dynamic FEA? Many real-world structures see dynamic environments. So, some typical examples would be a washing machine. You've probably all experienced severe shaking, floor shaking and so on around a washing machine. Air conditioning units as I know to my cost can be very noisy. And a building during an earthquake can shake pretty violently. You ride at high speed in a helicopter, that can be a very unpleasant experience, lots of dynamic characteristics there, lots of vibration modes. Finite Element Analysis, FEA, simulations can help design in a dynamic environment. So, for example, what are the critical spin speeds for the washing machines? What's the worst case weight and distribution for the wash load? What are the peak stresses in the supporting bolts holding the wash tub in place? And if we've got random usage over a number of years, what is the fatigue life likely to be of the key components such…
