From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

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Background to transient analysis

Background to transient analysis

- [Instructor] Now, in this video, we'll be looking at time-based, or transient, analysis. Transient analysis calculates response due to some kind of time-varying input. We define the input excitation in the time domain. And the excitation can be applied via forces or some kind of enforced motion, like an enforced displacement, or enforced acceleration. We can either have external input or base motion input. The excitation can be on for the whole duration in the analysis, or just for a short part of the time. So we're going to use an impulse load, for example, in the plate model. And it's a little rectangular impulse which is on very, very briefly. And that's the table to define that input. We're going to be using this particular data table quite a lot. The duration is .01 seconds. We've got a small lead-in, which is like a zero input. And I prefer that because it helps the analysis move forward. And then the tail extends to .02 seconds. And what that does is to allow an…
