From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

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Base motion example

Base motion example

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at a transient analysis which is set up using base motion. So we're going to open up the work file and it's the modal transient analysis. So the first thing we're going to do is to save this as a copy into a work area. Navigate to the work area. I'm going to rename this as plate base motion. Now I've got to go back into the environment, back into Autodesk Nastran in-CAD, and we see the tree view. Just review the analysis type. It's a modal transient response, so I just rename that appropriately, both the name we see in the tree view and also the title that will be written out to Nastran. We got displacement and acceleration we're requesting. Check our modal settings and we're asking for 10 modes. Again, we're back on a modal method. Check the damping. Again we want to make sure we have no Rayleigh Damping and no structural damping. We have 2% modal damping. We're asking for first 10 modes. A very small time step and 1,000 timesteps. We…
