From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

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Control transient analysis

Control transient analysis

- [Instructor] Now in this video we'll talk about controlling transient analysis. There's a couple of key parameters that it's a good idea to get right. The first one is the time step calculation. In a transient analysis, we need to have small enough time steps to get reasonable accuracy. We also have to have a long enough duration in the analysis to make sure that the damping can take effect. We also need to have confidence that peak responses are included in that duration. We don't want to guess at the time step and duration, it's very easy to make mistakes that way. There's a very logical approach to doing this. We take the highest frequency of interest. We're going to assume 810 hertz is as far as we need to go. Again, there'll be a lot of engineering judgment behind that. So, the first step in the calculation then is to say this highest frequency of interest, mode five, 810 hertz, if we turned it upside down, that becomes the time period, this is the time taken for one complete…
