From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

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FR analysis example

FR analysis example

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at a Modal Frequency Response Analysis of the plate structure. So, we open up the file, which is the plate modes file. First thing we're going to do, is to save the file off, again, into a work area we can run from. Now, we have to go into the environment again and into Auotdesk Nastran In-CAD. Check the Normal Modes Analysis and change that into a Modal Frequency Response Analysis and update the title accordingly, as a Plate Modal Frequency Response. We want to up with acceleration as well. We can output either in phase or real terms, so magnitude and phase or real and imaginary. We're going to stick with magnitude and phase. We check the damping and make sure structural damping is off there's no really damping. And we're going to be putting in our constant modal damping. So put a value to your percent, critical damping and, check out modal data and we're asking for 10 modes. And they're loading, we're going to do fine. As being a…
