From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

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Stiffness modeling examples

Stiffness modeling examples

- In this video, we're going to look at the effect of deliberately introducing a very coarse mesh. See how that affects the natural frequencies and mode shapes of our standard part. So I'm opening up the standard part. And then going into the environment and choosing our Autodesk Nastran In-CAD environment and there we see the model tree. You're going to straightaway go and edit that from the default linear static into normal modes. Switch of reaction and stresses so we're just left with mode shapes. We're going to edit the generic material and going to load in our standard steel, which is our carbon steel. Click OK. Now we're going to edit the modal setup, just check it, 10 modes that's fine. Now this time I'm going to remember to apply the constraints. So it's the same constraints as before on that edge, and they're fully fixed. So click OK. Now I'm going to go to mesh settings and override the default which is relatively coarse, but even so I'm going to make it even coarser. 2.45…
