From the course: Autodesk Nastran In-CAD: Dynamic Analysis

Work with the exercise files

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to look at the exercise file structure, so if you navigate to where you've downloaded the exercise files, here's the folder. We can see that the structure follows the exercises, so if I start in chapter one, video two, this is the run through of the normal modes analysis. so the begin state shows the initial Inventor part file, I've also put corresponding parasolid geometry where that's appropriate. Just in case you have version of Inventor prior to 2019. If you have 2019 or later, then you can launch straight into the Inventor part. Now, we also have an end state and here we can see we've got the Inventor part state at the end of the exercise. Now, the Inventor part will contain the geometry that we started with and also any FE entities that we built. What it won't contain though is either the results files or various settings such as, display of contours, control of XY plots and so on Unfortunately, they are lost when the database is closed and opened up again. So, in particular, we want to be able to load these results in. I'm just going to demonstrate how we do that. There's a way that Inventor will try and open up the results automatically. We're going to have to do this manually instead. So, let's just have a look at that flow. I'm going to open up the part and I'm going to navigate to the environments which we'll discuss in more detail. Open up Autodesk NASTRAN in-CAD. We can see we have FEA entities. This is the normal mode setup. There's the mesh ready to go. If I click on results and just either double-click or click on load, then nothing happens. There are no results being found in the default directory paths. What we've got to do is manually go to load results. Now, I put my results on the desktop. So, let's go to that correct exercise file. It's 01_02, end and there's the FEMAP neutral files. So, let's load that in and there's a little warning comes up to say the results might not be compatible with the analysis. The reason for that is the file name is different between the NASTRAN file and the folder name and the results file name. Unfortunately, the NASTRAN file name is a completely random generation. So, we can't get that to match but this is quite okay and we now say display, we can see the results of our end state. So, that's the process you're going to have to go through. I'm just going to shut this down now without saving anything and you'll say that's the approach we're going to take throughout the course through all of these exercise files.
