From the course: AWS DevOps Best Practices for Beginners

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Introduction to cloud automation

Introduction to cloud automation

- [Instructor] To start understanding AWS DevOps, let's look at their resource pages. Now, there's a lot to read here. So let me give you a starting point, which is actually also an end point. If you look at the graphic, the idea here is to adopt a set of practices, which will allow you and your team to deliver working software on the cloud. Now, this is both applications. So let's take an example of a website, like Python or Node.js script. But more importantly, it also includes this key concept, which actually isn't called out on this page. It's just really important around DevOps. It's called infrastructure as code. What does that mean? That means that the cloud services where your application lives, whether it's databases or virtual machines or containers or buckets, is deployed as part of the application. So the infrastructure pieces, our code that is deployed in addition to the application code and ultimately, full DevOps by the Amazon in many definitions, is that you have an…
