From the course: AWS for DevOps: Continuous Delivery and Process Automation

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Infrastructure as code

Infrastructure as code

- [Narrator] Let's consider this idea of infrastructure as code. It's really one of the most key points of this entire course. Your infrastructure, and by that I mean your AWS service configuration, so very specifically, which services. So for compute EC2, containers, Beanstalk, lambda. For databases RDS, (mumbling). For files S3, Glacier, so on and so forth. Treat that infrastructure, not only the service names, but every value of the service, so the AMI that underlies an EC2 instance, the partition key on a DynamoDB table, so on and so forth, as code. A general rule of thumb is once you move from just trying things out to any sort of prototyping and through testing, staging, and into production level deployments you want to refrain from clicking in the AWS console. You want to automate via the various methods, scripting, templates, or programmatic access. All use of services. So you want to establish your infrastructure code patterns and designs. So for example, do all your EC2…
