From the course: Azure Data Lake for Developers

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Using SQL serverless

Using SQL serverless

- [Instructor] The final method of data access that we're going to look at, is using Azure Synapse SQL serverless. Serverless compute is used to describe computation that is carried out without you needing to control your own servers. In truly serverless offerings, the servers are allocated to you for only the time that you need to carry out your work. Often if you have compute that isn't constantly in use, a serviceless offering will end up costing less, than one where you're in control of the servers because you only pay for the compute that you actually use. SQL serverless specifically allows you to use SQLite syntax to access data without needing to spin up an actual SQL data warehouse. Again, we are inside our Azure Synapse Analytics workspace that we created as part of the previous exercise. If we navigate to the Data tab, we want to create a new database within our workspace. We'll create a serverless database…
