From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Create a logic app in Visual Studio Code

Create a logic app in Visual Studio Code - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Create a logic app in Visual Studio Code

- [Narrator] Let us get started with the logic apps preview demonstration. I'd listed the high level steps in a previous slide on how you can get your development environment set up. I also mentioned the detailed webpage that you should have handy, and that page is shown here on the screen. As you can see, a pretty long document that talks about various things that you need to do to set up, let us say the Visual Studio environment and all of the extensions that I talked about. And if you go further down here you should also be aware of things like, let's go to Deploy to Azure here. Gives you all the detailed screenshots but it also tells you some of the limitations that apply to the preview currently. For example, you cannot deploy to a consumption based plan. You have to deploy to either a dedicated or a premium plan. So please watch this page for any changes. Let us now go back to the Azure portal here. And once…
