From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Deploy a logic app through the Azure portal

Deploy a logic app through the Azure portal - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Deploy a logic app through the Azure portal

- [Instructor] With an understanding of the various deployment choices, now it is time to go ahead and look at a demonstration of deploying a logic app through the Azure Portal. Before we jump into the demonstration, it will be helpful to look at all of the steps in the upcoming demo. We will log into the Azure Portal. We will go back to the app that we had developed previously in this course called The Mailtest. We will then go into the automation settings. We will then export the template that represents, essentially the Mailtest. We will export it and then we'll use this template to deploy the logic app in another resource group. I'm logged into the Azure Portal. Now I'm back into the Mailtest logic app that we had previously created. I'm going to scroll down to the automation settings and specifically I'm going to look at the export template here. And this is a template that has been generated for us automatically. And here you can see if I scroll further down here, this captures…
