From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Deploying to multiple locations

Deploying to multiple locations - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Deploying to multiple locations

- [Instructor] Here is a very quick use of the idea that we saw in the previous demonstration. Imagine you have built a Logic App in one of the environments in Azure, let's say you've built it in US-East, and let's say US-East is having some availability challenges, maybe temporarily, some cluster is down or some connectivity is not available. In that case, you can simply export the template as we saw in the previous demonstration. You will have to adjust the parameter file, because as we saw in the previous demonstration, we were writing to a queue that was in one of the regions, so if you're going to export the template, and we're going to move it to another region, we might need a new queue or a new storage account, so we want to modify the parameter files. Once we have that, we can go to another region of Azure, let's say the west region of Azure, and then deploy the template in that manner into another region and…
