From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Do Logic Apps fit your needs? - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Do Logic Apps fit your needs?

- [Instructor] So now that we have seen what are logic apps, let us take a look at a quick flow chart that can help you determine if logic apps are the right fit for your needs. Let us start with evaluating if you want to build an application that integrates multiple applications or systems, if that's not what you're trying to do, maybe logic apps is not the right choice for you. Going further, are you trying to build an application that needs to support a near real-time performance? What do I mean by that? Are you building an application that is going to serve millions of messages per second? If that is indeed your need, maybe you want to investigate other options. Are you building an application that includes very complex business rules? If that is indeed true, let's figure out if those rules can be embedded inside the logic apps and furthermore, can those business rules be encapsulated as code conditions that can be then invoked from logic apps? If that is indeed true, then you may want to be using logic apps. Let's go further. Are you trying to build an application that is going to take advantage of prebuilt connectors? We talked about prebuilt connectors in the previous slide. If you are trying to take advantage of that, or if you're trying to build an application that is going to invoke a REST or a SOAP API, or perhaps you are building a custom API and you can build a custom connected around that, logic apps maybe the right choice. But if your application requirements don't fit these conditions, maybe you should be investigating an alternative choice, something other than logic apps. So hopefully this flowchart gives you at a very high level, is this technology right for my needs?
