From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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End-to-end reference examples

End-to-end reference examples - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

End-to-end reference examples

- [Instructor] Now that you have a good understanding of how to design, develop and run logic apps, it will be helpful to look at a couple of examples end to end to further crystallize your learning. Before we jump into the demo itself, I want to call out the few concepts that are going to be helpful as we go through the demo itself. First and foremost, there's a notion of a custom connector. We've talked about out of the box connectors up until now. Specifically, we talked about the Outlook connector that allowed our logic app to connect to Outlook. What if you have a custom code for which there is no connector available out of the box? Well, logic apps platform allows you to create a custom connector. So for example, if you have a REST or a SOAP API, you can use a custom connector to allow your logic apps to connect to that REST or SOAP API. Let's talk about Azure Event Grid. Azure Event Grid is a service that…
