From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Enterprise Integration Pack concepts

Enterprise Integration Pack concepts - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Enterprise Integration Pack concepts

- [Narrator] Let us look at the second end-to-end reference sample. In this sample, we are going to be looking at exchanging B2B or business-to-business AS2 messages between two Azure Logic Apps using something called Enterprise Integration Pack which I will explain shortly. I chose this end-to-end reference sample because it is different from anything that we have looked at so far in this course up until now if you've been using connectors to talk to services, like Azure queues or email. Logic Apps also provides you a capability that allows you to exchange messages with your business partners using industry standards like an AS2 message. So before we go into the demonstration itself, let me call out a few concepts that I'm going to rely upon later on in this demonstration. So first and foremost, let's talk about the Enterprise Integration Pack that I mentioned in the previous slide. For business-to-business solutions…
