From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Know rate and connection limits

Know rate and connection limits - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Know rate and connection limits

- [Narrator] The first tip that we want to talk about relates to rate and connection limits. These limits are important for you to know as you go about designing your Logic Apps. Since these limits are subject to change, rather than showing you the limits on the slide itself, it will be helpful to go visit the documentation page. Let's do that. So here, I'm inside the Azure Apps Documentation Page. Specifically, this page pertains to the limits and configuration information for Azure Logic Apps. Notice that this page was updated just a few days ago, and this is important. Microsoft is constantly enhancing these limits, so it's important to come back and visit this page as you're designing your Logic Apps. Let's go further down in the page. And I want to call out a couple of limits that are important. How many actions can you have per workflow? What levels of nestings are allowed? How many workflows can you have per region?…
