From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Large message handling

Large message handling - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Large message handling

- [Instructor] The next tip that we want to talk about pertains to large message handling. Logic Apps limits message content to a maximum size. Of course, the motivation behind these limits is to help reduce the overhead created by storing and processing large messages. So how do you go about working with the message handling limits that are in place today? One of the things you can do is you can work with these large messages as references. What do I mean by that? You can take a large message, store it in a service like Azure Blob Storage, which is designed to store large objects or messages, and then you can take a reference to that message and work with that reference within the Logic App. The other approach you have is to chunk a large message. When you're handling a transfer of large file, for example, you can work with that in chunks. This means that when communicating with other services through connectors, Logic App can consume large messages, but only in chunks. This implies…
