From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Logic App Designer vs. Visual Studio Code (Preview)

Logic App Designer vs. Visual Studio Code (Preview) - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Logic App Designer vs. Visual Studio Code (Preview)

- [Narrator] Now that we have seen the demonstration of using the Logic App Designer that is built into the Azure Portal, it is now time to look at the Logic App designer that is part of the Preview capability. Once again, before we jump into the demonstration, let's take a quick look at the demo steps. First and foremost, we're going to go over to the Azure Portal and create a Preview instance of Logic App. Once we have done that, we will go back to our machine locally inside Visual Studio Code and we're going to author our Logic App inside Visual Studio Code. This is the key difference from the demonstration that you saw previously where we authored the Logic App inside the web designer built into the Azure Portal. We'll use a very simple process to demonstrate the new Preview capability. Instead of using the email-based trigger, we are going to be using an HTTP trigger. And all this process will do is it will just…
