From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Logic app triggers

Logic app triggers - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Logic app triggers

- [Narrator] So now that we understand the JSON structure associated with the Logic App and we've talked briefly about actions and triggers, it is time to dig deeper into these concepts. We will start out with triggers. As I had said earlier, triggers tell you how your Logic App is going to get executed or initiated. There are different categories of triggers that are available to you that are showed here on the slide. You have a polling trigger where you check against a service endpoint at regular intervals to see if something interesting has happened. An example would be you're checking against the queue and when a new message arrives in the queue, then your workflow or Logic App gets triggered. Then you have the push trigger where you create a subscription against an endpoint and that endpoint then calls you back if something interesting happens. So rather than having to go check the queue constantly, when a new message…
