From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Logic Apps deployment choices

Logic Apps deployment choices - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Logic Apps deployment choices

- [Narrator] With a solid understanding of the different connector types, it is now time to look at the different deployment choices that are available to us. First and foremost, you have the Logic Apps that can run in a multi-tenant environment. What do we mean by that? Well, workflows from customers in multiple tenants share the same underlying set of resources. By that I mean, computational resources, storage, network, and so on. Now, keep in mind your Logic Apps are still isolated from each other, but they are sitting on top of the same set of compute, network, and storage resources. Then you have the Logic Apps Preview, which gives us the ability to take our Logic Apps and host it in an environment of our own choice, could be a Kubernetes cluster running on-premises or could be another cloud. And then finally, you have the integration service environment. Think of this as your own dedicated enclave in Azure…
