From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Logic Apps in the wild

Logic Apps in the wild - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Logic Apps in the wild

- [Instructor] Before we end this course, I want to give you a quick set of bullets or key points associated with logic apps. First and foremost, think about logic apps anytime you have a situation that you need to automate, you need to schedule a task, you want to implement a business process, logic apps is a good choice. Maybe you want to integrate these applications. Maybe your organization has purchased many SaaS services. You want to bring data from these SaaS services together. You want to implement these services across your enterprise, even across your organization, you'll want to implement a B2B scenario. You should also take advantage of all of the gallery templates that are available. Before you start authoring a logic app, it may be a good idea to look through the hundreds of gallery templates and see if one of them meets your needs or at least you can use one of them as a starting point. And then finally think…
