From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Logic Apps versus Durable Functions

Logic Apps versus Durable Functions - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Logic Apps versus Durable Functions

- [Instructor] Next, I want to talk about Logic Apps versus Durable Functions. These are services that have some overlap and I've seen this question come up a few times, so I thought I would address it here. Functions and Logic Apps are Azure services that would enable a serverless workload. Azure function is a serverless compute capability, whereas Azure Logic Apps provide you a serverless workflow capability. Both can help you create complex orchestration? What do I mean by complex orchestration? Well, an orchestration is a collection of functions or steps or actions as we've been calling them as part of our Logic Apps description that are executed to accomplish a complex task. You can use Durable Functions or Logic Apps to accomplish an orchestration. If you look at the slide here, there are a few differences. Durable Functions is designed with a code first mindset, Logic Apps as we have seen, is designed for a low-code, UI designer based experience. Durable Functions don't have…
