From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Plan for throughput

Plan for throughput - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Plan for throughput

- [Narrator] Now that we have seen the rate and connection limits, let's talk about throughput. By that I mean, how many concurrent executions of Logic Apps can you have? Let's go over to the documentation page and look at the current limits and we'll also talk about some of the approaches that are available to you to design the Logic Apps for the throughput that your application needs. I'm inside the Azure Logic Apps documentation page here and you can see the limits that are associated with the multi-tenant Logic Apps service. Let's take a look at the first limit that is shown here on the page. So you can have 100,000 executions and these executions are measured in a five-minute ruling interval. Similarly, if I go further down here, you can see the concurrent outbound actions that are allowed and we can go down this list and you can look at the various concurrent limits that are available to you that you need to be…
