From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Runtime characteristics of Logic Apps

Runtime characteristics of Logic Apps - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Runtime characteristics of Logic Apps

- [Instructor] It is time now to look at the runtime characteristics of logic apps. Before we jump into the demonstration, let me go over the steps that you're about to see. We are going to go back to our mailtest logic app where we'll review the tool settings. Specifically, we'll look at the designer and also the code associated with our logic app. We will look at the workflow settings. We will see how many executions of our workflow have successfully completed and what kind of consumption have they generated. We will look at the identity settings, under what identity is our logic app running in. We will also look at the diagnostic settings. With this, let us jump into the demonstration. We are back inside the portal. We are inside the mailtest logic app. If you go to the overview settings you can see that our logic app is hosted inside the resource group right here. It has one trigger, the email-based trigger, and two actions. If I go further down here, you can see that I can see…
