From the course: Azure Logic Apps

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Set up an event-based logic app

Set up an event-based logic app - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

Set up an event-based logic app

- [Instructor] We will start our demonstration by going to the Azure portal, and we are on the screen here that is showing you all of the Logic apps. I want to take advantage of the ProcessOrders Logic apps for the first example here, let's go ahead and click on it. Let's go ahead and bring up the Logic app designer. You will find steps here, equivalent to what we saw in the previous clip, our Logic app gets triggered, using Azure Event Grid Custom topic. So once again, we are not constantly pulling for a new message to appear, instead we have created a subscription to an Azure Event Grid custom topic and later on in this demonstration when we post a message to this custom topic, that will in turn fire our Logic app. Once our Logic app has been fired, the next step is to execute the scope action. And once again, the scope action is a collection of actions. And here, the first thing we do is we parse the incoming…
