From the course: Azure Logic Apps

The JSON structure of Logic Apps - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Logic Apps

The JSON structure of Logic Apps

- [Narrator] So welcome to chapter two. Now that we understand at a high level what are Logic Apps and why you would want to use them, it is time to start thinking about authoring Logic Apps. To be able to author Logic Apps, you need to understand the key building blocks or key constructs, so let us get started. Under the covers, Logic Apps are nothing but a JSON representation of your workflow. You're probably concerned looking at the rather complicated JSON, but let me point out one important thing here. I'm only showing you this JSON document because I think it's important to understand at the lowest levels how Logic Apps are constructed. Fortunately, we don't have to create our Logic Apps by handcrafting these JSON documents. We have nice UI designers that allow us to create Logic Apps that we'll be looking at in later chapters. But it's really important to understand that under the covers, Logic Apps is just a JSON document as shown on the screen here. And then inside the JSON document, you have things like triggers that tell you how your Logic App is going to get triggered or initiated. You have things like actions that tell you what actions need to be performed as part of your workflow definition inside Logic App.
