From the course: Batch Processing Photos to Save Time

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Using the export for web command in Adobe Photoshop

Using the export for web command in Adobe Photoshop

From the course: Batch Processing Photos to Save Time

Using the export for web command in Adobe Photoshop

- If you need to create a lot of images for use on the web, Adobe has a dedicated tool. It makes it easy to process multiple photos, as well as get them ready for web distribution. Let's start by opening up a folder of images. I'll choose file open. And go to the option here called export for web. Let's select all these images and choose open. Some of them are preprocessed JPGs, but you're also going to experience a series of RAW files. My suggestion is you apply a basic edit here, or you can use the one that's already included. If there are any changes that you want to make, be sure to make the global adjustment, then select all of them by choosing shift click, and then simply with a right click, you could choose to sync the settings. This will allow you to sync things across and I'll just say check all and apply it globally. Let me undo for a second there as you see it change the crop. So I'm going to actually preserve…
