From the course: Best Practices for New People Leaders

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Build relationships with your people

Build relationships with your people

- I remember years ago when I had just been promoted to manage a department that was new to me. I was impressed by one of my new employees and her knowledge of the job. She was an expert. She was so good, I thought she deserved a promotion. I actually had the whole plan laid out. And knew how I would help her level up. But, when I finally asked her what success looks like for her, she shared her dream of staying in her current role until she retired some 10 years from that time. I was literally shocked. A mouth-dropping moment. Well, I had a plan for her future. I quickly realized I had no idea what actually motivated her. It wasn't promotions and upward career trajectory. Her motivation was coming to work every day with high engagement and pride in the work she produced. Figuring that out was a crucial piece of information that I had previously lacked. When I spent time with her, I learned more about what she wanted, that made me more capable of helping her achieve what was important…
