From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

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Social impact at companies: CSR, ESG, and DEIB

Social impact at companies: CSR, ESG, and DEIB

From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

Social impact at companies: CSR, ESG, and DEIB

- Now we're going to look at trends and discuss tips in three different domains of the social impact sector, starting with the corporate domain. A growing number of companies are taking positive social impact more seriously than they have in the past. Thinking back to our three Ps, people, planet and profit, there's an increasing focus on business as a force for good, whether it's thinking about how to enhance the employee experience, how to make the experience of producing the product less harmful on the planet, the environment and the humans involved, or how to use the company profits to advance social good. Historically, companies would set up foundations to carry out their charitable and social impact-oriented work, like MasterCard, which dedicates a percentage of its profits to its foundation, or Microsoft Philanthropies, which is a separate charitable arm of the company, or, which works directly to provide…
