From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

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Tips for careers with governments and multilaterals

Tips for careers with governments and multilaterals

From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

Tips for careers with governments and multilaterals

- Getting a social impact job with a government agency or multilateral organization can take a lot of patience and persistence. Here are five tips. Understand the hiring landscape. Many government agencies and multilaterals have strict limits and conditions on the number of full-time positions they can hire for. For instance, the United Nations has country quotas for positions that must be met across different units and departments. It also has established job categories, professional grades P-1 to P-5 for entry level to mid-career and director level, D-1 and D-2, for more senior level, that correspond to years of experience. These realities can make getting a full-time job challenging. So do your research and have a plan. Consider starting with paid internships, contract work, and entry-level programs. This is often the best way to enter these institutions for early-career folks. Again, with the United Nations…
