From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

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Tips for social impact careers at companies

Tips for social impact careers at companies

From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

Tips for social impact careers at companies

- Getting the social impact job in the corporate sector can be hard. Here are some tips to make it a little bit easier. If you're already at a company, consider exploring internal social impact opportunities and here are three tips. There may be a committee you can join or a paid period of leave for travel or study often called a sabbatical program that you can take part in. Check with your HR rep to see if your organization is part of the pledge, 1%. A global corporate philanthropy movement or see if there are similar corporate giving and matching programs available. If you have an employee engagement team or an HR rep, start there. Often companies look to reward longstanding employees by giving them the opportunity to work on things that they care about. If you're looking to join a different company, here are five more tips. Read those annual reports. Almost all of the corporate entities working on ESG, DEI and CSR…
