From the course: Build an AI Application with React and AWS SageMaker

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Review models and deploy

Review models and deploy

- [Instructor] Okay, so now we have the results of the training, and what I'm going to do now is explain what this screen is about. So if you look at it, right now, we have a percentage that the model would predict the correct max temperature 9.11% of the time. This is very low, so that means that requires more training. So if you're getting something similar, you probably are, it's because when you did the build and the training, you selected the quick build. So if you want to have better results, you need to train longer, you need to send more data to the model and the machine learning process. If you want to take a look at what the results are here, you have: What are the actual features that had the bigger impact on the training? So the min_temperature had the better impact on all this. You can take a look at some of the data here. So let's say the min impact was 58. You can see how much of an impact it had towards the training of the model here and so on so forth on the data. You…
