From the course: Build an Online Networking Plan to Land Your Next Role

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Attract ongoing opportunities by staying in touch

Attract ongoing opportunities by staying in touch

From the course: Build an Online Networking Plan to Land Your Next Role

Attract ongoing opportunities by staying in touch

- Staying in touch with your new connections is probably one of the most misunderstood topics when it comes to networking. On the one hand, your long-term networking goal is building relationships that you can lean on for years to come, rather than having to make connections from scratch every time you have short-term networking goals. So you want to talk to your new contacts after your initial meeting, rather than only reach out to them when you see a job posted at that company. But on the other hand, staying in touch with dozens or hundreds of people consistently seems like a huge undertaking. It's time consuming and it can feel forced if you don't want to or have no reason to follow up. We all want networking to feel authentic, and to keep in touch with people in a way that feels natural. So I like to practice sustainable networking by focusing on staying in touch with people I want to stay in touch with and avoiding a strict schedule of being in touch every month. I like to…
