From the course: Building a Flexible Career

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What is a flexible job?

What is a flexible job?

- You've probably heard at least a little bit about the changing nature of work, and maybe you've experienced changes in your own field, changes to the kind of work we're doing, how long we're staying with one job or one career, and even changes to where we spend our work days. Most of the time we hear about these changes being out of the hands of individual professionals. Companies are calling the shots, right? But one of the big changes, the rise of work flexibility, is putting more control into our hands. Work flexibility is a broad term that refers to the shifting nature of when, where, and how we work. Essentially, it's giving individual workers the chance to control their careers even as the nature of work changes. More companies are adopting work options that give people flexibility in their typical work day. Some companies offer a little flexibility and some offer a lot. Some of the most common types of work flexibility are remote work or telecommuting, flexible hours or…
