From the course: Building Self-Confidence

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Own the situation

Own the situation

- The first step towards improving how you handle self-confidence involves learning to own the situation. This just means you'll strive to understand and except the fact that ultimately you are responsible for how you feel about yourself. Sometimes a similar reaction happens but in the opposite direction. You find yourself questioning your abilities, but instead of feeling self-pity or some other negative thought about yourself, you look at others. Maybe you decide you feel this way only because of your abrasive colleague, or that completely unreasonable boss, or maybe that client who is never happy. That's called blame, and blaming never solves anything. It does, however, give you an excuse to not fully own your contribution to how you feel, so be careful. All right, to own your situation means that you must embrace a policy of personal responsibility. Know that you are driving progress in your life. This approach ensures that you are your biggest advocate for change and improvement,…
