From the course: Business Analytics: Sales Data

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Sales analysis with Google Analytics

Sales analysis with Google Analytics

From the course: Business Analytics: Sales Data

Sales analysis with Google Analytics

- [Instructor] If you're new to studying your sales data then Google Analytics is a great place to start. Especially if you're selling through an Ecommerce store I've gone ahead and connected to the demo account through Google Analytics so we walk through the interface together. Now I'm not going to go point by point as this interface is pretty detail intensive, but I'm going to hit some of the high notes. I'm currently on the homepage, which gives a high level breakdown of how your website has been performing over the last seven days. So the high level KPIs are users, revenue, conversion rate, and sessions. Now, if you want to get into some of the sales data you need to click on over to conversions and Ecommerce. Let's start with the overview. One thing to note about this overview page is that you can customize the date range you want to see. I've selected September one through November 15th, so we have a detailed…
