From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

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Building with responsive design frameworks

Building with responsive design frameworks

From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

Building with responsive design frameworks

- Once you have some background in coding HTML and CSS, you might discover responsive design frameworks as a quick and easy way to code a simple prototype or a website. There are dozens of responsive design frameworks out there, but three are very popular, Bootstrap, Foundation, and UIkit. All three of these frameworks have several elements in common. They provide a method for laying out web pages quickly and easily for desktop and mobile devices, and that method has been tested as compatible with lots of different browsers and devices. They offer styling options for colors, fonts, sizing, spacing, and more. They offer simple interactive elements that are easily installed on the page. Common options include accordion panels, tabs, image galleries, image sliders, buttons, tool tips, and so much more. All of the code you need to get started building a site is included with a responsive design framework so you're ready…
