From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

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Content strategy careers

Content strategy careers

- Are you one of those amazing people who always know the right thing to say at the right moment? Are you super organized and a great communicator? Do you love playing with language and thinking creatively about new ways to communicate a message? If so, you might be a content strategist. A content strategist has a magical way of knowing exactly what to say and when to say it. They coordinate with client goals, marketing plans, graphic designers, and technical teams to get a message communicated across many channels in a timely manner. Content strategists plan exactly what will be said and when it will be said on websites, in advertising via social media, and sometimes in offline channels like radio, TV, and printed publications. Obviously, content strategists are gifted communicators. They're typically great writers but they can also work with graphic designers to create interesting infographics or memes. They may work…
