From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

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Front-end or user interface (UI) careers

Front-end or user interface (UI) careers

From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

Front-end or user interface (UI) careers

- When you were a kid, you loved playing with LEGOs and building blocks. You're excited by the IKEA furniture assembly process. In other words, someone else thought of it and designed it, but you are all about building it. If so, you might be a front-end specialist in the web world. The front end of a website is the customer-facing portion of the site, the part you see when you visit any website. There are tons of job titles for this type of work. You might be an interaction designer, a UI specialist, a front-end designer, or a front-end developer, or you might just be a web designer. Whatever the name, the front-end specialist typically works with the UX and graphic designers to get a specification for how the front end of a website should look and function. You might program this using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, or you might work on little animations to help further the user experience. You might be involved in some of the…
